
  • UX Design: Design thinking, wireframing, prototyping

  • UX Research

  • UI Design, Brand Design

Project Description

  • A personal project, collaborating with local eating disorder recovery patients.

  • Timeline: TBD ongoing project


There are 10,200 deaths per year as a direct result of eating disorders and all races, gender, sexual orientation, and ages are affected.

According to (AED) and Deloitte Access Economics, 9% of the U.S. population, or 28.8 million Americans, will have an eating disorder in their lifetime. The best psychological treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which involves self-monitoring of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to the eating disorder.

With high insurance prices and limited sources of affordable healthcare for those who are recovering from eating disorders, many Americans are struggling to find alternative ways to assist their recovery journeys.


Design an easy-to-use and accessible app for users to be able to keep a daily journal and track meals that are private and efficient for those who are on the road to recovery and celebrate every personalized milestone.


Research Goals

Competitive Analysis

What are the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors?


User Interviews

3 out of 5 interviewees wanted a more quick and efficient way to track emotions and triggers without having to write things down.

After my interviews, I found that convenience and simplicity were the two common things that users were looking for when tracking and listing their meals and emotions. A great suggestion that came up in 4 out of the 5 interviews I have done was audio recordings. It’s hard for users to list and document triggers and emotions at a specific time, so audio would be beneficial for them to look back into.




User Persona

Using the primary and secondary research, I created a User Persona Samuel that is representative of Rallee’s target audience.


This sitemap shows how the Rallee App pages will be prioritized, linked, and labeled.

 Task Flow

A task flow is a diagram that represents a user's journey through a specific task. In this case, we have the user logging into their breakfast.


Paper sketch wireframes


Mid-Fidelity Wireframes


User Interface Design

After sketching out the wireframes, I began the process of creating the UI and brand of Rallee. The logo “R” represents leaning on/support. The curved line is leaning on the sturdy triangle, just how users can lean on and be supported while using Rallee. The brand colors are inviting, calm and light.


High Fidelity Wireframes

 Prototype & Test Findings

Test objectives
- Track and observe how users navigate the site to complete tasks.
- Understand the user’s experience and understanding of flows.
- Identify features/design elements that users find challenging or obstacles the user will face from completing the task easily.
- Identify areas of confusion or error for the user.

- 3 users
- All genders
- Age 17-29
- 1/3 of users have used a recovery app before

100% Completion rate
100% Error-free rate

Test Findings, reflections, and next steps…

Users were given the task of logging in their breakfast and using the photo and audio recording function. During testing, the most common comment I heard was that the users found the audio recording the most exciting. One tester said that most of the time, they would forget what they ate that day, and having the audio recording to simply say whatever is that they ate and the emotions at that time is a game-changer.

Moving forward, a pain point that was mentioned was that there should be an option to have buttons with several of the trigger and behavioral emotions. A participant mentioned that when they are on the go, they want something where they can simply click and save. After the iterations, I will send the prototype to the developers using Zeplin.


Canvas: Sustainable Clothing E-commerce Responsive Website